5 Ways to Spread God’s Love and Witness To Others

There are many people who will try to overcomplicate spreading God’s love and witnessing to others by making up their own man made rules. Some will try to say you need to take a class or be at a certain level in your faith, but none of that is true.

I was reading the book Experiencing God by Robert Blackaby, Claude V. King, and John Blackaby recently. I loved how the book touches on getting involved with the work that God is doing around you.

God wants you involved and He’s designed you to be here at this point in time to be a blessing to others to show His love.

He can use you at any point in your life. You just have to be open to doing the work.

Here are some simple ways to spread God’s love and witness to others.

1 —

Share Your Personal Faith Journey

God may open an opportunity to share your testimony with someone that comes across your path. You have a powerful story that is unique and only you can share. If you look at the New Testament, disciples of Jesus went before people and shared their personal story about their encounter with Christ. Most importantly, the Holy Spirit lead them on what to share. So, if you ever find yourself struggling on what you should say or even how to say, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in the conversation. God may be using you to reach that person.

2 —

Share A Book

This is one of my favorite ways to share God’s goodness. If I talk to someone and I happen to know a good Christian book to help them in that area, I buy the book for that person. There have been times where I have bought a Bible for person who was curious about Jesus. It is so simple, if you have under $20 to spare. Don’t worry if they don’t read it immediately. There may be a time in their life in the future where God brings to their memory that you gave them a book.

3 —

Give Them A Card

There are so many occasions that pop up in people’s life. It has been such a blessing to me when people would randomly give me a card or a gift unexpectedly. It blessed me so much that I do it for other people. If I find out their birthday is coming up or they are dealing with grief, I run to the store and get a card. I typically take time to write something in it and let them know that I truly care. You never know how much it makes a difference until you do it.

4 —

Being Generous With Time

Generosity comes in a lot of forms. This includes your time and how precious is time since you can’t get it back. Sometimes it can hard to see how to make time for those who are in need, but we are called to be generous as believers. Therefore, if someone asks for mentorship, make some time in your schedule to mentor. If you have a friend who is going through unusually tough time in life, spend some time comforting them on the phone. If there is a community event that will improve the life of those who are poor, then volunteer to be a blessing. God gives us time not only use it for selfish reasons or to take care of things you care about, but he gives us time to be a blessing to others.

5 —

Be Open To Other Acts Of Kindness That God Prompts

There may be a time that comes up where God directs you to do something that seems unusual, but He is actually setting you up to be a blessing to another person. You may feel led to move seats to allow an elderly person sit down. You may see someone struggle with bags going to their car, and you may feel led to help them. You may have extra appliances in your house, and feel led to give the surplus to a neighbor. Whatever it is could be the Lord pushing you to be a blessing to others and it could open them up to being led to Christ or back to Christ.


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