Faith Tee Hines Faith Tee Hines

Scriptures For Broken Heart

I remember isolating myself for a while until I came to the realization that grief, pain, and mourning can take us down a dark path if we are not careful.  That’s why it’s important to know that God’s Word leads us to walk in the light.

My views on heart break forever changed back in 2018.  I had gone through my own heart break, and it was tremendously painful physically and emotionally.  I remember crying and asking for God to take the pain away.  Family members were calling me and offering words of encouragement, but nothing really made me feel better. 

I remember isolating myself for a while until I came to the realization that grief, pain, and mourning can take us down a dark path if we are not careful.  That’s why it’s important to know that God’s Word leads us to walk in the light.

Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” 

We can safely rely on God’s Word to help us out of a dark place if we ever find ourselves experiencing a heart break due to a loss of a loved one, a breakup, a tragic event, abuse, neglect, loneliness, or anything else. 

As we use our lamp (God’s word), we will be able to see what God wants us to see spiritually. 

God’s Word leads us to joy, comfort, love, dancing, gratitude, truth, life, and so much more.  It is all found in His Word.

Here are a few scriptures for heart break, but I encourage you to dive into the Word.  Read the whole chapter and recite the words that mean the most to you.  Watch God turn your mourning into joy!

Psalm 34:18

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Matthew 11:28

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Psalm 147:3

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Proverbs 12:25

Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad.

Revelation 21:4

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

Psalm 55:22

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.

1 Peter 5:7

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

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Faith Tee Towler Faith Tee Towler

“Why Am I Still Struggling With Sin As a Believer?”

God already knew we were going to sin so He provided a means of making us right with Him. Romans 3:25-26 highlights…

Romans 3:23 is arguably one of the most quoted Scriptures from the Bible. It states, “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” The law was God’s glorious standard, and it sadly exposed how sinful we are as a people.

God already knew we were going to sin so He provided a means of making us right with Him. Romans 3:25-26 highlights, “For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood…for He was looking ahead...God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he makes sinners right in his sight when they believe in Jesus.”

Knowing this information, it saddens me when people use Romans 3:23 to justify their sinful practices and shortcomings when the Apostle Paul was merely highlighting the innate human condition that requires God’s grace.

We did nothing to deserve God’s grace and God requires so little on our part. He just wants our faith. Romans 3:31 states, “In fact, only when we have faith do we truly fulfill the law.”

Why does God care about our faith so much? Well, we need a biblical understanding of faith. Hebrews 11:1 points out, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

The reason why we as believers tend to start struggling with sin is that our faith tends to deteriorate over time as the stresses of life set in. The distractions take our spiritual eyes off of Jesus and we put our natural eyes on what we can see.

Faith is the core of our walk with Christ and God wants us to understand how much He loves. Faith is important because the God’s plan for your life is better than anything that we could ever come up with for our own life. And if you haven’t noticed already, when you try to control your own life and it doesn’t tend to have the best results.

The other reason why faith is important is because we are ambassadors of Christ. Whether you know it or not, you represent the Kingdom of God. People are looking at your actions and some are even curious to see if what they say about God is true.

I heard a pastor recently state that biblical faith means, “There is observable evidence in your actions that leads people to believe that you believe in what God said.”

Is there observable evidence in your actions that would lead people to believe that you believe in what God said? If not, then the root of your struggle with sin is truly your faith. But, don’t give up. Every day you’re alive is another day to improve in the area of faith.

Here are 3 questions you should ask yourself to figure out how to improve.

1.) Do I Know What God Says?

The first part of Hebrews 11:1 points out there there should be something hoped for as a part of our faith. How can you know what to look forward to if you don’t know what God’s Word says? God’s promises are what we have to look forward to in this life and in heaven. The reason why some believers may struggle is because they don’t know enough of God’s promises and have nothing to cling on to when the enemy tries to steal, kill, and destroy aspect of your life.

Start Here:

  • Read the Bible - Find a translation you can understand and start off small by reading the Book John or Acts.

  • Reduce Media Consumption - The biggest distraction in this generation is media consumptions. There are so many voices distracting people from God’s voice. Get clear by reducing social media usage or limiting the amount of streaming you do on a regular basis.

  • Writing Down Thoughts And Questions - We have so many thoughts and ideas. It is important to capture it on paper. Sometimes when we capture it on paper we can better discern if it is a message or thought from God versus ourselves.

2.) Do You Believe in What God Said?

Once you figure out what God said, it is important to determine whether you believe it or not. Test and trials will come to prove whether you believe it, in fact. If it is in your best interest hide God’s Word in your heart by memorizing Scriptures that support you in each type of situation in life such as fear, grief, accomplishments, trials, tribulations, etc.

3.) Do My Actions Line Up With My Faith and Belief In God?

Actions are going to speak louder than words. If you find that your actions do not align with Bible truths or with the faith that you say you have in Jesus Christ, then this is an area that needs work. Thankfully and consequently, God will send tests in the areas in your life that needs the most work. So, do not be surprised if you repeated encounter circumstances where different people or the specific person trigger you. Do not be surprised if your have an event that challenges your faith. These are opportunities to show yourself approved.

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Faith Tee Towler Faith Tee Towler

5 Tips To Maintain & Improve Your Adult Friendships in 2024

Maintaining adult friendships can be difficult even with the presence of social media. Facebook and Instagram may be good at reminding us about our friend’s birthday, but not so much with making sure we are sustaining our friendships well.

Maintaining adult friendships can be difficult even with the presence of social media. Facebook and Instagram may be good at reminding us about our friend’s birthday, but not so much with making sure we are sustaining our friendships well.

It is so easy to get bogged down with work and family, but there is something about good friendship that can turn your bad days into enjoyable ones.

Sustaining connection between good friends is beneficial to the overall well-being of each member of the group. In the book, The Happiness Track, Emma Seppala of Stanford Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education stated, “People who feel more connected to others have lower levels of anxiety and depression.”

I believe one of the reasons why depression and anxiety is so high in America is due to the lost of connection. Good friendships (not toxic ones) bring you support in rough times, offer help when needed, bring laughter to an otherwise dull day, and provide a sense of belonging.

If you care about yourself and your friends’ well being, the best way to show it is by striving to keep the connection from fading. Many people let so much time pass by then realize after a decade that they should have spent more time with their friends. Don’t let that be you!

Here are 5 tips to maintain and improve your adult friendships.

Tip #1: Initiate Meetups

The common internal trap that people encounter when it comes to friendship is thinking that the other person does not want to spend time with you because they did not initiate any meetups. This is not always true. I encourage you to be the one that reaches out to your friends to see if they would like to meetup for dinner or another activity. The worst that they can say is “no”. The best thing that could happen is that they say “yes” or “I can’t make it that date, will Thursday work for you?” Don’t be too much in your head about it.

Tip #2: Show Up On Time Or Call Ahead When You Are Late

Timeliness can be a friendship killer. I recommend doing everything in your power to show up on time especially if you haven’t seen the friend in a long time. If you are running late, calling ahead of time with an estimated time of arrival will help alleviate any worry that the person has in the process of waiting for you. It all sounds simple, but gets so easily missed.

Tip #3: Be Open To Talking About Anything

When some time has passed by in maintaining a friendship, it can some times feel like “I don’t know what we’re going to talk about.” Just be open to talking about anything! Don’t limited the conversation to what you would want to talk about. There may be new commonalities and interests that you have yet to discover. Take the limits off and what your conversation flourish!

Tip #4: Text/Call To Check Up On Your Friends

Checking up on your friends is probably something that people don’t stress enough. I suggest texting or calling your friends as they randomly come across your mind. You never know what they are going through and you might be the joy that they need that day. Don’t stop at the check up, if you can. Send them funny Memes, gifs, quotes, book recommendations, etc. As much as they may need the friendly message, you need it just as much. They may come a day where they return the kind gesture during your off day, week, or year.

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Faith Tee Towler Faith Tee Towler

5 Ways to Spread God’s Love and Witness To Others

There are many people who will try to overcomplicate spreading God’s love and witnessing to others by making up their own man made rules. Some will try to say you need to take a class or be at a certain level in your faith, but none of that is true…

There are many people who will try to overcomplicate spreading God’s love and witnessing to others by making up their own man made rules. Some will try to say you need to take a class or be at a certain level in your faith, but none of that is true.

I was reading the book Experiencing God by Robert Blackaby, Claude V. King, and John Blackaby recently. I loved how the book touches on getting involved with the work that God is doing around you.

God wants you involved and He’s designed you to be here at this point in time to be a blessing to others to show His love.

He can use you at any point in your life. You just have to be open to doing the work.

Here are some simple ways to spread God’s love and witness to others.

1 —

Share Your Personal Faith Journey

God may open an opportunity to share your testimony with someone that comes across your path. You have a powerful story that is unique and only you can share. If you look at the New Testament, disciples of Jesus went before people and shared their personal story about their encounter with Christ. Most importantly, the Holy Spirit lead them on what to share. So, if you ever find yourself struggling on what you should say or even how to say, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in the conversation. God may be using you to reach that person.

2 —

Share A Book

This is one of my favorite ways to share God’s goodness. If I talk to someone and I happen to know a good Christian book to help them in that area, I buy the book for that person. There have been times where I have bought a Bible for person who was curious about Jesus. It is so simple, if you have under $20 to spare. Don’t worry if they don’t read it immediately. There may be a time in their life in the future where God brings to their memory that you gave them a book.

3 —

Give Them A Card

There are so many occasions that pop up in people’s life. It has been such a blessing to me when people would randomly give me a card or a gift unexpectedly. It blessed me so much that I do it for other people. If I find out their birthday is coming up or they are dealing with grief, I run to the store and get a card. I typically take time to write something in it and let them know that I truly care. You never know how much it makes a difference until you do it.

4 —

Being Generous With Time

Generosity comes in a lot of forms. This includes your time and how precious is time since you can’t get it back. Sometimes it can hard to see how to make time for those who are in need, but we are called to be generous as believers. Therefore, if someone asks for mentorship, make some time in your schedule to mentor. If you have a friend who is going through unusually tough time in life, spend some time comforting them on the phone. If there is a community event that will improve the life of those who are poor, then volunteer to be a blessing. God gives us time not only use it for selfish reasons or to take care of things you care about, but he gives us time to be a blessing to others.

5 —

Be Open To Other Acts Of Kindness That God Prompts

There may be a time that comes up where God directs you to do something that seems unusual, but He is actually setting you up to be a blessing to another person. You may feel led to move seats to allow an elderly person sit down. You may see someone struggle with bags going to their car, and you may feel led to help them. You may have extra appliances in your house, and feel led to give the surplus to a neighbor. Whatever it is could be the Lord pushing you to be a blessing to others and it could open them up to being led to Christ or back to Christ.

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